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Level 1 Gottman Method Training – Mentorship Program

Improve your skillset and get couples to commit to the work necessary to save their relationship,

even if your practice is virtual telehealth.

My name is Sam Garanzini, and I help clinicians become expert couples counselors by integrating clinical and business skills using researched-based methods.

I was in your position in 2007, my graduate program didn’t, and couldn’t, totally prepare me for the mixed agenda situations that couples present today.

One day my partner brought home an article written by someone named “John Gottman.” I thought, hmm, this was interesting, but I’ll read it later.

Then I continued struggling to do couples therapy with my clients. I distinctly remember one session when this couple called one another every vile name you can imagine while seated in my office.

I thought to myself, they can do this for free at home… they’re here to learn better ways to behave than how they normally would.

I turned to the Gottman article. I was so engrossed by how comprehensive the method was that I completed Level 1, then Level 2.

My sessions started going better because I had a framework.

My couples started improving.

I went on to become certified in the Gottman Method, and now I’ve been teaching Level 2 for seven years, having served over 1000 clinicians in my classes.

I’m excited to bring our new virtual mentorship program to you, which offers opportunities to apply the information that did not exist in the live classroom prior to the pandemic.

I hope to work with you this year while we have this unique opportunity!

– Sam Garanzini, MFT, LPCC

Certified Gottman Therapist and Instructor

Co-founder | Couples Therapy Training Academy

Here’s how it works…

Our Gottman trainings now follow a blended learning “mentorship” model.

You’re able to watch a Certified Gottman Therapy Trainer (Sam and Alapaki), as well as John and Julie Gottman, teach the training at your own speed by video.

This Level 1 Gottman training participants have access to three one-hour “Roundtable” sessions.

Ideally, you complete prework (Day 1 videos) prior to your first small cohort Roundtable meeting. You can schedule your other Roundtable sessions anytime within six months of purchase.

Here’s what we’ll cover…

• How to respond to couples not remaining committed to the journey, or when one person is more committed than the other or one person…

• What to do when partners think only the other needs to change, and eventually stop showing up for sessions…

• Help new clients feel secure in this process online even when clients may initially distrust telehealth… rapport in-person to transition into this setting, and it’s an added layer of potential distrust of the process.

• Respond confidently when couples explicitly ask for “tools” they can use when not in session to improve communication, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills…

• Help a flooded partner regulate when they go into fight/flight/freeze, and seem to have some difficulty coming back down…

• How to market yourself as a therapist competent to work with partners experiencing sexual disconnection or mismatched desire…

• And much, much more…

What is the cost of this opportunity?



Normally our two-day Gottman Level 1 training costs $450, plus our participants must travel or commute to San Francisco for two days.

To help you through the changing economic times, today you’ll save $100, and enjoy taking the training right from your home after one simple payment of just…

Here’s what I would suggest you do now…

Scroll down and take a look at everything we have planned for this Gottman Level 1 mentorship program.

Then, reserve your spot because we are only taking 10 therapists into the mentorship cohort at this time.

Once you have your spot secured, you can set up Roundtable on one of the upcoming sessions.

Gottman Method Level 1 covers the foundational components you need to feel confident with even the most difficult couples.

You can expect to…

Learn how to keep the Oral History Interview on track, how to respond in the one-on-one sessions when a partner discloses an affair, and how to get the couple excited about doing the work by developing a contract with them for therapy.

Watch Julie Gottman do the main conflict, friendship, and shared meaning interventions with a real couple. You also receive the recordings in order to go back later.

Get your questions answered during the Roundtable live meetings about anything related to integrating other methods, or couples therapy in general. Figure out how to use the Gottman Method for intensives, retreats, and marathon therapy sessions with clients.

How does this work?

Our Gottman trainings now follow a blended learning “mentorship” model. You’re able to watch Sam Garanzini, as well as John and Julie Gottman, teach the training at your own speed by video. Ideally, you complete prework (Day 1 videos) prior to your first small cohort Roundtable meeting. You can schedule your other Roundtable sessions anytime within six months of purchase.

What happens during the group mentorship Roundtable? How often are they? How many can I use?

Normally, when Level 1 is held in the classroom there is no opportunity to talk about your cases and challenges. It is estimated that students forget 70% of what they just learned by the time they walk out the door on the last day (for all classroom training).

To address this, we're approaching learning in a different way.

The Gottman Method is better caught, than it is taught.

The one-hour weekly Roundtable meetings allow us to help you apply the material and ask any and all questions you may have about couples therapy.

They’re arranged every week on Tuesday's at 2pm PT.

We ask that you use your mentorship meetings within the first three months of purchase, unless prior arrangements have been made.

How long do I get access?

You get permanent access to these videos for as long as the training exists on our platform.

Is this virtual?

The video library and live Roundtable meetings are virtual using Zoom.

How many hours of videos do I watch?

Level 1 has 11 hours of continuing education units (CEU’s). We suggest watching Day 1 (about 5 hours), before your first Roundtable mentorship meeting, and then Day 2 (about 5 hours) before your second Roundtable mentorship meeting.

Is there a time requirement?

You have access to the videos beyond the training, which is important if you need to review later. You will need to finish your Roundtable mentorship meetings ideally within three months from the date of purchase.

Is there an assessment I need to complete?

Yes, in order to receive CEU credit and post on your resume that you’ve “completed Gottman Level 1 training,” you need to pass a fairly simple assessment.

What does this cost?

Our live classroom trainings are held in downtown San Francisco for $450 per person. This online virtual platform gives you more flexibility, permanent access to the videos (unlike the classroom), and costs just $349.

Are there Continued Education (CE) credits for Level 1?

Yes! 11 CEs. We have partnered with R. Cassidy to provide 11 CEs if you need them. Please note you’ll already be receiving a certificate from The Gottman Institute as proof of completing Level 1.

Who’s this for, and not for?

This is for therapists at all levels of licensure and schooling, as well as coaches and clergy who do couples work. Contact us prior to purchase if you have questions.

What if i’m still not sure?

We’d advise taking advantage of this online mentorship opportuntiy before it goes away after the pandemic. The Couples Therapy Training Academy has been given permission by the Gottman Institute to hold Level 1 and 2 as a mentorship program subject to quarterly review. We will then have to return to live classroom training. This is a unique opportunity.

Normally $450, YOU SAVE $100 TODAY

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Register for this intensive training course without risk. Watch the first two lessons of videos in order to see what you think. If you’re not satisfied, write
to us and we will make a refund. We’re that confident you’ll find this learning experience to be all that’s promised and more than you expected.

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